Meet HomeRoom

Founder/Co-host of Show Choir Nation
Ethan Parker

Editor-in-Chief/Co-host of Show Choir Nation
William Soquet

Associate Editor/Photographer/Indiana Contributor
Nathan Ensley

Project Manager/Illinois Contributor
Ella Gosain

New England Contributor/Host of Behind the Risers
Michael James Breen

Ohio Contributor
Michael McHargh

Ohio Contributor
Simon Zimmerman

Ohio Contributor/Graphics
Ava Lackey

Ohio Contributor/Newsletter Author
Fox Gansler

Southern Contributor
Tony Holeman

Western Contributor
Chris Mendoza

Western Contributor
Andrew Estrella

Western Contributor/Graphics
Valantina Hurmz

Indiana Contributor
Will Kaiser

Indiana/Fort Wayne Contributor
Justin Ternet

Indiana Contributor/Host of Midwest Sound
Wren Millick

Indiana Contributor/Video Content
Madison Fleener

Indiana/Fort Wayne Contributor
Andrew Prentice

Indiana Contributor/Graphics

Illinois Contributor
Owen Miller

Illinois Contributor
Dylan Moss

Illinois Contributor/Graphics
Nina Fey

Iowa Contributor
Ava Sammons

Iowa Contributor/Video Content
Maria Bloom

Iowa/Nebraska Contributor
Arte Reed

Nebraska Contributor
Thea Lierman

Siouxland Contributor
Quinn Masek

Heartland Contributor
Anne Marie Wright

Heartland Contributor/Video Content
Camila Del Moral

Minnesota Contributor/Graphics
Damyre Perry

Texas Contributor
Kortney Minnick