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Tony Holeman
Mar 17, 20243 min read
Southern Show Choir Poll Rankings: Mar. 17
The voting panel is in consensus on first-place choirs in each division - but there's plenty to talk about behind that!

Mar 15, 20248 min read
HomeRoom's National Show Choir Rankings 3/15/24
The HomeRoom National Show Choir Rankings are an attempt to do the impossible - quantify a subjective art form.

William Soquet
Mar 15, 20242 min read
Illinois Show Choir Poll Rankings: 3/15/24
So the Choral Classic and Showcase of Excellence are over. That's great. But where does everybody shake out after the dust settles?

William Soquet
Mar 15, 20242 min read
HRSC Week 8 Indiana Small Rankings
It's later in the season, which theoretically means that it becomes easier to decide the rankings. Indiana proves that's just theory.

William Soquet
Mar 15, 20245 min read
HRSC Week 8 Indiana Large Rankings
It's later in the season, which theoretically means that it becomes easier to decide the rankings. Indiana proves that's just theory.

Nathan Ensley
Mar 15, 20249 min read
Midday Naps and 3 AM Awards: the Choral Classic from a Performer’s Point of View
Performers from Indiana and Illinois share their experience at one of the largest national events of the year.

William Soquet
Mar 14, 20246 min read
Comps of the Week: 3/16/24
It’s the end of the season in South Dakota, Indiana and Ohio – but New England is bracing for a wild midseason showdown!

Simon Zimmerman
Mar 14, 20244 min read
2024 Marysville Showcase Preview
Groups from six different states will converge on Marysville for a season-ending slam in the Buckeye State!

Chris Mendoza
Mar 13, 20246 min read
California Heating Up: Midseason Power Rankings
The Big Three happen... and then chaos behind in Advanced Mixed II.

William Soquet
Mar 12, 20245 min read
Comps of the Week Recap: 3/9/24
Final hurrahs, penultimate competitions and the leadoff to the nationals season!
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